Features of Multimedia 

1. Very high processing power:Needed to deal with large data processing and real time delivery of media.

2.Multimedia capable file system:Needed to deliver real time media for example video or audio streaming special hardware software needed.

3.Efficient and high Input output:Input and output to the file sub system needs to be efficient and fast.Needs to allow for real time recording as well as playback of data.

4.special operating system:To allow access to file system and process data efficiently and quickly it needs to support direct transfer to disk,real time scheduling,fast interrupt processing,I/O streaming etc.

5.Storage and memory:large storage units(of the order of 50-100 GB or more) and large memory(50-100 MB or more).

6.Software tools:user friendly tools needed to handle media,design and develop applications, deliver media.

Advantages of Multimedia

1.Enhancement of text only messages: Multimedia enhances text only presentation by adding interesting sounds and compailing visuals. 

2.Improves over traditional audio/video presentation:Audiences are more attentive to multimedia messages than traditional presentations done with slides or over head transperance.

3.Gains and holds attention:people are more interested in ultimedia messages which combines the elements of text,audio,graphics and video.communication research has shown that the combination of communication modes offers greater understanding and attention of information.

4.Good for computer phobic:Those who are initiated computer keyboards and complex instruction are more comfortable with pressing button with a mouse or on a screen.